
ACCEPT [+-*] [nick]{ [, [+-] ] }

Manages your accept list. This list is used to determine who can private message you when you have usermode +g set. ACCEPT +nick adds a nick to your accept list, ACCEPT -nick removes a nick from your accept list, and ACCEPT * displays your accept list.

ADMIN [server]

Shows the administrative information for the given server.

AWAY {message}

If a message is given, marks you as being away, otherwise removes your away status and previous message.

CYCLE [channel]

Cycles a channel (leaving and rejoining), overrides restrictions that would stop a new user joining, such as user limits and channel keys.

DCCALLOW [+|-] [nick] [duration]

Adds a nickname to or deletes a nickname from your DCCALLOW list.

DEVOICE [channel]

Devoices yourself from the specified channel.


Returns information on the developers and supporters who made this IRC server possible.

INVITE [nick] [channel] {[time]}

Invites a user to a channel. If the channel is NOT +A, only channel halfoperators or above can invite people. If +A is set, anyone can invite people to the channel, as long as the person doing the invite is a member of the channel they wish to invite the user to.

Invited users may override bans, +k, and similar in addition to +i, depending on configuration.

If a time is provided, the invite expires after that time and the user can no longer use it to enter the channel.

ISON [nick] {[nick]...}

Returns a subset of the nicks you give, showing only those that are currently online.

JOIN [channel]{,[channel]} [key]{,[key]}

Joins one or more channels you provide the names for.

KICK [channel] [nick] {[reason]}

Kicks a user from a channel you specify. You must be at least a channel halfoperator to kick a user.

KNOCK [channel]

Sends a notice to a channel indicating you wish to join.


Shows all servers linked to this one.

LIST [pattern]

Creates a list of all existing channels matching the glob pattern [pattern], e.g. *chat* or bot*.


Shows a count of local and remote users, servers and channels.


Shows a graphical representation of all users and servers on the network, and the links between them, as a tree from the perspective of your server.

MKPASSWD [hashtype] [plaintext]

Encodes the plaintext to a hash of the given type and displays the result.

MODE [target] [+|-][modes]{[+|-][modes]} {mode parameters}

Sets the mode for a channel or a nickname specified in [target]. A user may only set modes upon themselves, and may not set the +o usermode, and a user may only change channel modes of channels where they are at least a halfoperator.

For a list of all user and channel modes, enter /HELPOP UMODES or /HELPOP CHMODES


Lists currently loaded modules, their memory offsets, version numbers, and flags. If you are not an operator, you will see reduced detail.

MOTD [server]

Show the message of the day for [server]. Messages of the day often contain important server rules and notices and should be read prior to using a server.

NAMES [channel]{,[channel]}

Return a list of users on the channels you provide.

NICK [new nick]

Change your nickname to [new nick].

NOTICE [target] [text]

Sends a notice to a user or channel specified in [target].

OPER [login] [password]

Attempts to authenticate a user as an IRC operator.

Both successful and unsuccessful oper attempts are logged, and sent to online IRC operators.

PART [channel]{,[channel] [reason]}

Leaves one or more channels you specify.

PASS [password]

This command is used by your client when setting up your IRC session to submit a server password to the server.

You should not use it during an established connection.

PING [server]

Ping a server. Target server will answer with a PONG.

PONG [server]

Your client should send this to answer server PINGs. You should not issue this command manually.

PRIVMSG [target] [text]

Sends a message to a user or channel specified in [target].

QUIT {[reason]}

Quit from IRC and end your current session.


Show the rules file for the local server. This is similar in effect to except that these are not sent automatically on connect.

SETNAME [name]

Sets your name to the specified name.

SILENCE [+/-][hostmask] [p|c|i|n|t|a|x]

SSLINFO [nick]

Displays information on the SSL connection and certificate of the target user.

TBAN [channel] [duration] [banmask]

Sets a timed ban. The duration of the ban can be specified in the following format: 1w2d3h4m6s which indicates a ban of one week, two days, three hours, four minutes and six seconds. Alternatively the ban may just be specified as a number of seconds. All timed bans appear in the banlist as normal bans and may be safely removed before their time is up.

TIME [servermask]

Returns the local time of the server, or remote time of another server.

TOPIC [channel] {topic}

Sets or retrieves the channel topic. If a channel topic is given in the command and either the channel is not +t, or you are at least a halfoperator, the channel topic will be changed to the new one you provide.

UNINVITE [nick] [channel]

Uninvite a user from a channel, same syntax as INVITE.

USER [ident] [local host] [remote host] :[GECOS]

This command is used by your client to register your IRC session, providing your ident and GECOS to the server.

You should not use it during an established connection.

USERHOST [nickname]

Returns the hostname and nickname of a user, and some other miscellaneous information.


Returns the server's version information.


Adds or deletes a user from the watch list. C clears the list and S queries the status.

WHO [ [search-pattern] [ohurmaiMplf] ]

WHOIS [nick] {server}

Returns the WHOIS information of a user, their channels, hostname, etc. If a second nickname or server is provided, then a whois is performed from the server where the user is actually located rather than locally, showing idle and signon times.

WHOWAS [nick]

Returns a list of times the user was seen recently on IRC along with the time they were last seen and their server.

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